September 29, 2009

Protect Your Heart

You can protect yourself and significantly reduce your risk of heart disease.

Diet (& exercise) can help greatly.

Here are some fighters you want in your corner…

Almonds & Almond Butter
· High in poly & mono-unsaturated fats which sweep LDL into liver when they replace saturated fats.
· Almond Butter- maintains cholesterol levels

· High in poly & mono-unsaturated fats which sweep LDL into liver when they replace saturated fats.

· High in Omega 3 which reduces LDL & raises HDL

Cereals with Vitamin B6 & B12
· Protect blood vessel walls

· Omega 3 & Omega 6
· Cold or Expeller Pressed

· High in omega 3, which keeps cell membranes flexible

· Rich in antioxidants called phenols which protect against damage to LDL. (Damaged LDL sticks to artery walls)

Olive Oil (Extra Virgin & Cold Pressed)
· Omega 3
· Monounsaturated good fatty acids
· High antioxidant

· High in potassium
· High fiber

Pumpkin Seeds
· High in omega 3, which keeps cell membranes flexible

Red red wine
· Increases cardiovascular function- Reduces heart attack risks
· Reduces heart disease risk by 25-40% (1 glass women 2 men)
· Raises HDL (good cholesterol)
· High in antioxidants
· Contains resvetatrol which appears to stop arteries from getting blocked by fat deposits

· Omega 3 which reduces LDL & raises HDL
· Lowers triglycerides
· Protects against heart arrhythmia
· Increases flexibility of arteries
· Regulates blood pressure

Soba Noodles (Japanese Noodles)
· High in Rutin- halts and lowers body fat.
· Buckwheat extract- regulates blood sugar
· (!Watch sodium content of soba noodles!)

· High in omega 3, which keeps cell membranes flexible

Quinoa (pronounces keen-wa) grain like rice
· High protein (8grams per cup)
· Magnesium, folate, iron
· fiber

Vegetables- Vivid
· Like Red Peppers, Tomatoes & Carrots- rich in Carotenoids which reduce risk of heart disease. (Add a small amount of ‘good fats’ to increase absorption of Carotenoids)

Vegetables- Green Leafy
· ? High in omega 3, which keeps cell membranes flexible

· High in omega 3, which keeps cell membranes flexible

Whole Grains
· Soluble Fiber- Lowers Cholesterol (LDL) and flushes it.
· Fiber (adding 10g a day reduces risk of heart disease by 17%)
· Fights inflammation
· Increases oxygen delivery during exercise.

1. Eat This and Live- Don Colbert
2. Runners World